
Current AssetsHuman Model
L2D 🎨: Yagiluro
L2D ⚙️: Cypurrpunk
Fantasy Outfit Design: Yagiluro
Casual Outfit Design: Seysech
Beecat Model
1.0 L2D 🎨 + ⚙️: Cypurrpunk
2.0 L2D 🎨 + ⚙️: Yagiluro
2.0 Design: Yagiluro
PNGtuber, Panels, Custom Throwables: Eloi
LGBTQIA+ Panel: Ruby
Current Logo: Gifar
Buzz and Bloom Stinger: DexPixel
Intro, Offline, & Banner 🎨: Inami
BRB animation, badges: Owlyghost
Intro Animation: KJOE88
Outro: Tessacreative
Tablet and Hoodie Asset: Kira Mononoke
2D Base Room Design: Zanners
3D Room: Scennique
Animated Overlay: nightmvree
Vtuber Bundle Assets: Misu_PurpleNeko
Ios Chat Widget: milaeshop
Pawpad Chat Widget: Vryhoth
Headpats, Poke, Scritches: Ziphora
Cheese Slap: MoshieStudio
Beecat Theme: Handanu
Fantasy Music & Alerts: Viynnn
Bee New Outfit Static & Animated Emotes: ChickenJagoo
Comfy Emote: Mizzy
Popcat Emote: Cypurrpunk
Wiggly Emote: JuwuVT
Beenana & Happy Emote: Yani
Prior Assets (Not Currently Used)Logo & Stinger: HimekoDesign_
Stinger Gradient hexagonal background: Freepik
Lofi and Spooky Intros: Tessacreative
Spooky and Lofi intro music: Britsune